Friday, January 8, 2010

a quick update

January 8, 2010
Hello everyone! I finally found a computer and internet access to use..this will be brief and probably many misspelled words as this computer has arabic lettering and most of my blog is in arabic;) lol. I dont have much time and it is a fortune to use the internet here at this conference. I have been travelling for about 5 days now to Aswan on the Nile, Luxor to see all the great temples and tombs, and now Im in Sharm el Sheikh for this Science of Mind Russian conference. It is warm, beautiful and the Red Sea is so blue...I feel like Im in little Russia as this entire city is mostly Russian. I was greeted at the airport by an Egyptian man, Hussein, who immediately spoke to me in Russian. I spoke to him in Russian, English and him, all three languages. lol. It was pretty funny. The staff at this hotel all speak Russian and assume that I am as well. I have about 80 videos and over 500 photos already that have been taken from my trip. I have been keeping record ofmy time with my writing so I will post once Im back in Cairo on the 12th.

Today, Ive finally had some alone time to myself. I took a short flight from Luxor to Sharm el Sheikh on the Red Sea. At this moment, Im staring out of this beautiful villa peering out to the Red Sea. This place is stunning and expansive. There are 3 nice bedrooms, 2 baths, a large living room area and kitchen, and a pool and sundeck outside overlooking the sea. It is paradise here. I can finally process all that has been happening. The Russian conference started today and I opened with some music which was kind of interesting. There are 4 Americans, 1 British woman, and about 40 Russians. As I arrived at the airport, an Egyptian man with a sign with my name on it appeared and spoke to me in Russian. I was laughing because he was fluently speaking to me, I was speaking to him in Russian and English, and he all of a sudden starts speaking English and Arabic. Multi-language.:) Sharm El Sheikh is primarily full of Russians. It is so bizarre as everything going on around like the mosques, prayers, and Egyptian culture, but filtered with signs in Russian cyrilic and Russian speaking Egyptians. The hotel is a five star resort right on the Red Sea. I’ll be singing twice a day and also providing meditation every morning and prayer when needed. I also randomly ran into an old friend from San Diego who decided to come. I walked in the room last night and there he was. We both said, ”What are YOU doing here?” hahaha…that was pretty funny, especially because I hadn’t seen him in 4 years prior in Ukraine.
It has just been an amazing adventure. I have seen ancient ruins, tombs,mummies, and of course the beautiful desert. I spent some time in a Nubian village near Philae Temple in "Upper Egypt" which is much closer to Sudan so the people are a dark black and so friendly. I have been travelling with Eslam, from Cairo, and thankfully he has been with me as I dont know how I would have done this trip alone. The staring and gawking alone from men here is pretty uncomfortable. Not only that, but they are very good at taking advantage of foreigners. I am doing very well, and finally feel I have caught up on my sleep. Im staying in this huge mansion on Suzette's villa overlooking the Red Sea withbeautiful gardens, date palm trees, and finally some hot water in the shower.(I spent some time in Luxor at a horrible hotel with no hot water, towels, or toilet paper.) hah. It has been nice to just sit and relax by the pool and feel the magic here.

I cant wait to post videos and photos. I have footage from everywhere I have been. I am now serving at this conference where I am the "musical guest" and also faciliating meditation near the beach every morning which has been great. All is very well and it has been nice to see some familiar faces in this context. Egypt is such a magical place and ...the;)! so more soon once Im home. Please keep me in your prayers on the 12th for safe travel back to Cairo.


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